Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ready to GO!

We are hours away from our departure and the excitement and anticipation are growing every minute. It has been such a blessing to get to know the different team members and to spend time with them. We have already seen God's hand moving in the way he put this team together and provided financialy for each team member. Two of our original team members aren't going with us physically, but Heather and Ben, you are with us in our hearts. Thank you for your contribution to the team, and we pray God's blessing on you. :)

We would appreciate your prayers during this trip; and in particular, we ask for God's favor and protection while we travel and once we arrive in Haiti. Please pray for people's hearts to be open to hear the Gospel and for us to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Most importantly -- not our will but God's will be done.

Hopefully, we'll be able to update this blog daily, but it depends on our access to an internet connection. Keep checking back. You can also check the 12Stone Church Outreach page on Facebook.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Here is a video Sam made after we got back!

Haiti from Samuel Laubscher on Vimeo.